Pressure Washing & Soft Washing
Outdoor sports courts accumulate dirt, grime, and other organic materials that damage the surface and make it slippery and unsafe. Our professional washing service is designed to prevent and tough buildup, restoring your court’s appearance and playability.
Soft Washing (Water Broom Cleaning)
Our specialized water brooms use medium-pressure to effectively remove loose dirt, bird droppings, and other light surface imperfections without harming the court’s finish or coatings. Soft washing is perfect for routine maintenance, ensuring your court remains in peak condition while preserving its longevity. We recommend a soft wash service once per month during dry months.
Pressure Washing
Pressure washing is ideal for removing stubborn debris and stains from tennis, basketball, and pickleball courts. This solution is ideal for courts that have not been washed in several months or years. While pressure washing can make some courts look brand new, it can also cause further damage to courts that are chipping or cracked. If you need to remove water damage such as mildew or mold, chemical cleaners like trisodium phosphate or bleach may be necessary. Before booking a pressure washing appointment, make sure to contact us to decide whether this is the right method for your court.